Movilidad INTERNACIONAL Incoming Erasmus

For questions about Erasmus+ bilateral / Intern-Institutional agreements (negotiation of new agreement, modifications of existing, or any other questions), please write to our e-mail:

This information is not for students, but for partner university. Nominations at the University of Granada are managed decentralized at Faculty/Center Level. Every Faculty has his own nomination e-mail for Erasmus+ incoming students. For incoming students coming to the Faculty of Social Work, Partners must nominate to this e-mail:

As soon as received the nomination, will reply to student, with copy to partner, with instructions for doing our mandatory online application form. 

VERY IMPORTANT: Partner's nomination is mandatory; students not nominated won't be considerer as incoming students and won't be accepted

Nomination DEADLINES:

  • Semester-1: 1st May 

  • Semester-2: 20th October

After that the student has been nominated by their home university, we will reply to student's e-mail, with copy to partner, with all the information needed to do our "mandatory" online application form. Our "mandatory" online application process is “centraliced” at our International Relations Office (ORIC)

Application DEADLINES:

  • Semester1: From 1st April to 15th May 
  • Semester2: From 1st October to 31st October

Nominated students who doesn't do our "mandatory" online application form can not be admited.

  • Internship/Practice (30 ects full course subject "Prácticas externas en Organizaciones Sociales"/"Internship in Social Organizations") is *NOT* allowed for incoming students
  • Maximum number of "elective" subjects to choose by incoming students in one semester: 2
  • Maximum number of "elective" subjects to choose by incoming students in a fulll academic course: 4
  • All "elective" subjects have quota limit. If it's complete the places in one elective subject, must be changed by another elective subject with free quota, or by another mandatory subject
  • Some “elective” subjects have coincidences in horarys, then, student can not select them at the same time.

You can find horary / timetables at this web link:

  • "Mandatory" subjects have 3 groups: A, B (morning), C (afternoon). Not need to choose the same group in all mandatory subjects, can be a different group in each one, choosed to avoid coincidences.
  • "Elective" subjects have only one group: Group A, but some of them are imparted in the morning, and other in the afternoon.
  • Some “elective” subjects have coincidences in horarys, then, student can not select them at the same time. 
  • Please choose / select your subjects first doing your personal timetable in order to avoid that subjects can have timetable conflicts.


At the end of the online application process (JULY / DECEMBER), we will send to the student's e-mail the official acceptation letter

    Official enrolment/ inscription/ matrícula in every subject and your choosed group (group can be differente for every subject), will be done "online" aprox. from 2 weeks before to the semester's start, from 01/09/XXXX to 15/09/XXXX (Semester_1), or from 01/02/XXXX to 15/02/XXXX (semester_2), sending student e-mail to @email

    When you send your enrolment e-mail to,follow this draft or template:

    • in the SUBJECT, indicate:
      • Solicitud de matrícula, estudiante ENTRANTE “[Indicate here your Name and Surname]”
    • and in the BODY of the e-mail, indicate the next lines of text:
      • Solicitud de matrícula, estudiante ENTRANTE “[Indicate here your Name and Surname]”
      • DNI/Pasaporte: [Indicate here your IdCard or Passport, the same that in your online application]
      • Universidad de origen: [Indicate here your home university name]
      • País de origen: [indicate here your home country name]
      • Periodo de la movilidad: [Indicate here your period of mobility: Semester_1/Semester_2/FullCourse]
      • And following, in the next lines, indicate your list of subjects to enrol, indicating, line to line, for every subject:
        • Code, Name and Group(A, B o C).
          • In example:
          • 2491131-Psicología del Desarrollo en Contextos de Riesgo-Grupo C
          • 2491134-Salud, Dependencia y vulnerabilidad Social-Grupo B

    As soon as we done your enrolment, we will reply to student e-mail with this information:

    1. The ticket / guard of enrolment in PDF format
    2. The password (código PIN) to the online web portal (Oficina Virtual / acceso identificado of UGR).
    3. Instructions of how to create your personal e-mail of UGR (, which will be necessary for accesing to the WIFI net and for accesing to our online teaching platform PRADO

    Our International Relations Office/ORIC organizes general Welcome days/Induction days for incoming students, usually one week before semester's start.

    The Faculty of Social Work (, also will publish in the same week, an individual meeting only for Social Work students, at the Faculty of Social Work. Will inform to students by e-mail.

    The University of Granada does not take care to arrange the incoming student's accomodation, however, the University provides a list of accommodation options at:

    Some different "optional" Spanish courses (6 ects credits) are taught at “Centro de Lenguas Modernas” (CLM). This center is associated officially with the University of Granada. Spanish courses are not any official courses of any study plan. The courses are **NOT** free. Website with all the information:

    For any doubt / query / problem / more information, please contact us at: